
Navigations are the three chinese characters on top


ImbaVania ImbaVania you're so hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania your curry is hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania I love you oh-my-gawd , not.
ImbaVania ImbaVania I love your curryfish not .
ImbaVania ImbaVania Doreen is hotter than you , of-course-not.
ImbaVania ImbaVania You are shorter than Laura not .
ImbaVania ImbaVania Zenda can be your hot sumo not , but hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania You're so hot, oh, My God is Hot .
Lyrics by ImbaVania
(The lyrics are not suppose to make any sense)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ok , so I have been receiving people who are tagging with random names .

"Hiie ^^ U cant trust god to hlp u get gd results when u didn't even put in effort to studying =p

1st, you're a coward

2nd,I improved my math,eng,chinese and my lit ,and i deproved barely like 1 or 2 marks for the rest.So don't doubt the power of God .

3rd,you sre super irritating .

4th,You might have just read 1 of my post about me saying tht I haven't been studying and I am trusting God for gd results . The word " Haven't" in this case, means I didnt study for weeks or sth but I am somehow going to study soon . Yes , i didnt put in as much effort , but when i start studying , i am trusting God for the wisdom and with tht , I can study much easier and absorb the facts / etc. easier .

5th,your english is probably avrg or sth , " u didn't even put in effort to studying =p" it is suppose to be you didn't even put in effort into studying.

6th,i don't really care abt Susan Boyle ,thanks for your information which i don't give a damn .

7th,stop irritating me .

8th,if you really wanna tell me what is right or wrong , please , look at yourself , coward . You mean you have to tell people their rights or wrongs with an anonymous name ? Get a life .

9th,what do you mean i "can't" ? This is me , you have no rights to control me . I can and i will .

10th , get out of my blog .

Thanks .

I cooked you at
9:40 AM,♥

Monday, May 25, 2009

Power of Friendship

Omgosh ! I just saw something in youtube !
Bitains Got Talent ! The amazing violinist ,Sue Son !
Ok , I personally support Susan Boyle as she really brings joy to everyone .
But this video is incredible . It talks about friendship as well .
Sorry, but the guy who posted the video disabled me to embed it here .
But still , Imma give you the link ! Itz amazing omg
Britains got talent,Sue Son. Auditions

But on the bright sight , the semi-finals can be embed ! :D

Seriously , it shows alot of friendship and i'm not sure if Sue Son is telling the truth that she is still friends with Jeanette.I think she's lying or something cos when Sue agreed to come back for auditions , Jeanette was kinda disappointed if you really observe closely
But Sue didnt get into the finals ! omg , if Jeanette really isn't friends with Sue anymore ,& Sue didn't even get into the finals ! It'll be such a big loss ! If I were Sue , I wouldn't say Yes ,cos i won't give up friends for success . Not trying to say that she is wrong . But still ..

I was suppose to learn violin when I was young , well i didn't know what happened , I didn't learn in the end LOL . If I were to choose , I would choose to be a drummer now . But being a Violinist is not bad afterall ! It looks cooler than a guitar omgosh.

Jeanette is not a bad pianist as well !Shes great :)

Ok but since Sue isn't in the finals now ): I'll support Susan Boyle !

Susan Boyle,Auditions

Susan Boyle,Semi-Finals

I cooked you at
6:26 AM,♥

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Didnt even play a single thing as I was too engrossed playing Vball ! Its fun to the max!
A photo I forgot to post ? :D

I cooked you at
7:48 AM,♥

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dearest Dearest please don't go .

No , I didn't use to like you , cause , well my feelings gets hurt by you during lessons . But knowing that you are leaving Cedar to become a Vice-Principal in other school , I feel happy and sad . Sad , but I didn't cry . I had no feelings in my heart , yes there were some , but not alot .

& to 1Ses ,we've cried our hearts out , eyes were reddened , emotions went wild ,heart was broken , but we must face the reality ,lets face this together , lets look on the bright sight , she stayed herefor 3 more years so that she can see us today . Lets just be happy for her to be promoted , we can't be selfish . She has a job too .

Well done 1s09 , we came in 1st as a team :)
I had great fun with you guys window shopping today
We got to know each other more by this outin , and I really hope we can stay like this forever
I shouldn't do too much typing , cos i am practically lazy to .

Cherie & me

Super cool photo of Maureen & Gu Ting arranging iTags

Sher Min & Me :)

The XKAs!

LengYen & Cherie :D
extra people huh? 

Dearest Cherie ,你是我的很好很好很好的朋友!

Ok , not very nice , cos I've not fully learnt photography,
Imma learn soon

XKA;Cherie & Nicole from 1O:D

just something :D

We were not posing , its real .

I am a girl , I have a life ,I am straight , no I am not lesbian.
Itz just a fake-kiss-for-bestfriends , get it ?

yucckss , i am the only one who jumped ! Cos I said "1..2..3" myself
and everyone else didn't follow me , they ended up laughin .Not a bad shot!

Claire Teo WenQi - worst photographer ever .
How can you put your finger there in such a nice picture ?!
Clarrieee ! You ruined it again !@!$@#$@!
 Paiseh , not very clear , taken my Cherie
Someone ZiLian worh . Emo shot
Tampines Mall

Omygosh,Claire's eyes are dam funny
Quak Quak Gu Ting & me !:D

I cooked you at
6:57 AM,♥

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I H8 ants,exams are over,oral is here D:

OhmyGosh . Today was super stressful as we had 2 exams ,continuious. Science ,then history .
Then , a word appeared , "lustre" Ok , it mght be easy for you when you first saw it . I had totally no idea what it meant , I checked out for the meaning of the word after the science exam D:
Omg, and for the conversion thingy , I had superduper many zeros . At most 4 i guess . I am so dead .
History was ok except that I didnt do the last "Difference" question .
& yea , I crapped pretty nicely for history .
I left some food in my stupid bag today and it was infested by ants in the stadium !D: Gross .
Darn , I am preparing for oral now , gtg bye !

I cooked you at
5:13 AM,♥

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Won't you smile today?

Yesterday was extremely fun although we had some probs with the ST.Nicks girls except for Jolene , duh .
Went to service with Princeton & Doreen . Message was awesome .
After that , went to meet Ryan to go to Jolene's house.
Princeton and Ryan paid for the cabby fees first :D
Princeton and Ryan was kinda pissed off cos the IJ girls keep talking about us being QianBian lol
Cmon , we're the friendly-est people on earth .
Bla ,then went home . Just a brief post , cos I am suppose to be studying now .

"Don't confess it" cos it will be true then .
Confess positively , not negatively .
Thanks Doreen , something I've learnt from you .
Just a short sentence , "Don't confess it" & it motivates me so much .
& I will trust God for gd results even hough I haven tbeen studying .

I cooked you at
11:27 PM,♥

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

S.T.U.D.I.E. , still die song

Composed by PokeManZ!

S is for Studies
T is for Tolerance
U is for U and Me! :D
D is for Do well
I is for intelligence
E is for Excellence!

This song is dedicated to people who thinks studying sucks!

I cooked you at
7:12 AM,♥

I cooked you at
4:21 AM,♥

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

" Gu Ting, Wake up , its 5.10 !"

Ohmygawd. Today is super fun !Right after school , I went to the bus stop opposite Cedar . Then , I saw GuTing and Joan. I asked where were they going ,they said that they were just going for a lunch at J8.Yea ,I had nothing to do , so I followed them :D
When we reached there,Joan's father was there as well . So he treated us pizza hut ! omg. Hey , I said "Thank You" for quite a number of times ok! But what we ate , except for Joan's father,were from the student menu,so it wasn't very ex.
After that , I went to guting's house to study together for geography and yea, she is better than me in geography.Hah ! In the end , I studied alone as guting went to sleep for abt 30mins . When she woke up , it was 5.10pm++ she had to have dinner with her mom at 5.30 so i went home :D
It was rather fun when we were walking to her house , we chatted about lots of stuff :D

I cooked you at
7:20 AM,♥

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"I look cute in the pic!"

Can't go church today ):
I've just gotten these photos from my sister's blog :D
Quite long ago already

I cooked you at
11:16 PM,♥