
Navigations are the three chinese characters on top


ImbaVania ImbaVania you're so hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania your curry is hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania I love you oh-my-gawd , not.
ImbaVania ImbaVania I love your curryfish not .
ImbaVania ImbaVania Doreen is hotter than you , of-course-not.
ImbaVania ImbaVania You are shorter than Laura not .
ImbaVania ImbaVania Zenda can be your hot sumo not , but hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania You're so hot, oh, My God is Hot .
Lyrics by ImbaVania
(The lyrics are not suppose to make any sense)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Omg , I have the worst teachers in my class man !
I hate my math teacher , Mr Eng to the core ARGHHHHHH. He makes me pull my hairs out man . Attitude sucks like hell . Today he poped me a question and it was "What kind of questions do you think Common test 2 will have?" Well , cos thats a question everyone gotta answer and I am the last 3 to answer the question , which means most of the answers were taken up . Well , I browsed through my math file and of cos ,there are plenty more answers . when I was trying to answer him , he was like " Ok nvm , Eunice what do you think." Omg , his attitude sucks la .

-He prays that some of us fails
-So what if he gives us candies ?
-He estimated that 3 of us would fail in CT2
-He is kinda rude sometimes
-He is short tempered
-BIAs (Yea , he treats SherMin like much much more better than us , or rather , he treats stdents who are better in math better than students who aren't so good in math)

I didnt bold this for nothing , I bolded this for many many things which i totally don't like about her attitude towards me , yes just me !

-When I was setting up the visualizer , she told me that she could do it herself , no i am not angry at this . She gave me a superduper QianBian face and she DIAOed .

-She picks on me , i am her enemy .
-She treats Gu Ting super gay-ly , which makes Gu Ting somehow irritated sometimes
"Gu Ting ... <3<3<3>

-When the Slovenian teacher is coming to our class to join our lesson with her, she made herself looked at her best than the other normal days , isnt it obvious she wants to get the Slovenian guy's attention ? Bee-atch

-She disqualified me from the Anti-Drug essay when I have sent my essay and I wrote like 1000+ words ? She said it was in the wrong format . i don't mind that , but do you have to disqualify me ? Idiot be-atch.

-She scolded me for staring into the air and CLAIMED i wasn't listening to her lesson .

Mr Eng , don't freaking look down on me just because of my CT1 results , yea , its just because of all my careless mistakes .
Mdm Rachael Tan ,wth is wrong with you ? Always picking on me from the start of the day , and my name is pronounced as VAE-NIA not VEE-A-NA , I am not Rihanna , bee-atch.

I cooked you at
7:39 AM,♥

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today , school was quite fun . During the TOP periods , we were suppose to go to the Kolam Ayer CC . On the way there , there were like 3 dead rats !It was freaking disgusting ! Well , TOP was thinkathon which was quite boring . We were told to give 2 suggestion to the school and mind was " Offer photography as an O level subject so that pupils who are interested in photography can take that as subject" and the next one was " Making a garden for studying after school " . I'm not sure if "photography" is an O level subject . But according to my sister , it is :D
When we went back to class , I was doodling on the whiteboard . Ching Yee was behind me , she shouted " RAT TAIL!!!! " like INTO MY EARS( pain)! Lengyen was on the floor ad she grabbed my leg ! omg , I freaked out man ! "ARRHHHHHHH"

You should try pranking that joke on someone with your friend maybe on April's fools day , or maybe , just normal days .

After school , we went to i-Studio to have a focus group discussion with VP & P , Vice principal and Principal .Mdm sia bought us Milo and sandwiches :D So nice of her .

We went into the studio and we sat down . Then , Mrs Ouyang and Mrs Lee ( I think ? Too many VPs in Cedar)

You should know that I won't type every single question that she have asked us here right ? And of course , I can't rmb them . But one of the most .. remembered scene was when Gu Ting was answering Mrs Ouyang's question and it was rather funny to Mrs Lee (Yea , it wasn't to us , different generation ,lol )
She was actually putting her leg on the other , well , becos what Gu Ting said was rather funny to her , she lifted up her leg and slammed it onto the floor which was superduperultra-omg-wthwtfish unglam . Mrs Ouyang expression was " >.> oh-my-Gawd"
Oyeah , and most of us complained about Mr Eng , giving us wrong answers sometimes and having his lessons too strict .

I cooked you at
5:19 AM,♥

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Miracle in my life .

Well as some of you people might know , I'm quite lonely in Cedar ( Yes I am )
I have longed to have more friend in my class , I have been praying for it .
And finally , God have done it all.I don't know what happened and how it happened. Few days before,one of my classmates , Cherie , wrote a letter to me . I was pretty shocked of course . Everyone in my class writes letter to each other . I didnt know what happeend to me okay , I don't seem to have the interest to write letter to each other . But after Cherie wrote the letter to me , I started to reply her and have been writing letter to her . Wonderful ,because of her , I feel so "into" the class . My class is and it is super bonded . Yea , and today , cos during literature lessons , the teacher don't even care if we change seat , we are used to it . Everyone in the front row would go to the very back of the class and sit together. I am the only one in the front . Today , its different. Gu Ting and Cherie asked me if I wanted to move to the back cos I was very lonely , lol . They didn't use to ask me to move to the back . Ok , I really didnt know how did this happened and what happened to Gu Ting , she treats me super nice nowadays , she used to be one of the people I hate , but not anymore :D

ThankYou Daddy ! I feel so happy in my class now !

I cooked you at
5:48 AM,♥

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Messed up .

This blog post is to the my bestbest ever friend , Doreen:
Dearest Doreen ,
I know I have been looking for trouble with you nowdays , thats because I don't want my bestfriend to have the wrong impression of me . Yes I admit that I was wrong calling you Queen Doreen .Everytime I try to let you know that I don't want you to have the wrong impression of me , you would get worked up . Which I really don't want to , cos when you get worked up , I would fight with you . Yes , I used to be despo abt you-know-who , but not now ,I know that because if i have you-know-who, I will not have you anymore. You are even more important than you-know-who .I am sorry for calling you "PMSqueen" as well , which I don't know if I've really called you that .This whole fighting thingy was created because of me being despo abt you-know-who .When I try to tell you to follow me to Potong Pasir MRT , I really didn't want you to feel lonely . I really am not trying to boss around . You said I am unreasonable because of this . I am not trying to make you a laughing stock in my blog by saying this . Unreasonable IS the reason you said that does not have any link to the situation . It does not mean not giving a reason to the things you do. You think I don't wish to return back to the old Cheerful and fun Vania ?How I'd wish to . But you know whats blocking in the way that I am feeling so moody nowadays ? Because I don't want you , Doreen , to have a wrong impression of me . When you have those impressions of me .. I feel as if I am one of your enemies or maybe one of the people you will put under your list which is "People I hate" . I don't want that . Because of that , I am always looking for trouble . & yea , sometimes you gotta understand how I feel because how I feel now , is because of you . Its because I don't want to lose you . But by saying that , I've lost you .

With Love,

Daddy God , I cast all my cares on you Lord ,
I don't want to try anymore . I Cast all my
worries to you Lord . O Lord , you will make
us be together again . I know that all these causings
is because of the devil . & I command the devil in my life
to flee now Lord . YOU will make Doreen and I be the best ever friends
in this whole world .

Amen .

I cooked you at
7:27 AM,♥

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I cooked you at
11:07 PM,♥

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yesterday :D


I cooked you at
6:00 AM,♥

Friday, April 3, 2009


Omg , I found this super cool thing on the web which was shown by my literature teacher previously . Follow the intructions TIGHTLY and you will get what you should be seeing.Anyway , you have to blink a few times to see the image :D One last thing , obviously , you can blink your eyes while concentrating on the dots , but try not to move your head.

Note: Do not do it too many times , you might hace headaches !
Answer: The Magnificent , super duper handsome Jesus!

I cooked you at
8:32 AM,♥

Training at TPY stadium :D

TPY Training pictures
You want a piece of this ?
P.S 2 of my spikes are gone

Syu's(Pronounced as "Shoe" without " 's ")


Out of boredom.

(Yes,I love photography)

I cooked you at
5:11 AM,♥