
Navigations are the three chinese characters on top


ImbaVania ImbaVania you're so hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania your curry is hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania I love you oh-my-gawd , not.
ImbaVania ImbaVania I love your curryfish not .
ImbaVania ImbaVania Doreen is hotter than you , of-course-not.
ImbaVania ImbaVania You are shorter than Laura not .
ImbaVania ImbaVania Zenda can be your hot sumo not , but hot
ImbaVania ImbaVania You're so hot, oh, My God is Hot .
Lyrics by ImbaVania
(The lyrics are not suppose to make any sense)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I cooked you at
8:55 AM,♥

Monday, December 22, 2008

Another normal day

Sigh! My computer keeps auto shutoff , I told my sis to call the HP staff to seek for some help.And I have to wait for 2 days before I can use my desktop again . At least it doesn't auto shutoff now . Anyway , just happened to go to xiaxue's blog , and I saw some videos.
Alright before showing you the video , here are some WARNINGS
1.Contains vulgarities
2.Its Violent
But it is funny la . Ok enjoy!

NOTE: Due to the music in my blog that can't be paused, you might want to click HERE so that you can listen to what they've said.

I cooked you at
1:47 AM,♥

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jesus , you're all I want.

Today , we had combine service ,DARE,GenRev,ARROW,Adult service and RockKidZ.
It was a great time , learnt some new stuff too. I took only a few pictures,not really alot . But they aren't clear lol . Sorry. I would like to show all of you a video , about how Jesus change our lives.
For your info:
Man in white clothes - Jesus
Girl playing with Jesus-Normal girl
The rest are some .. bad influence
So called "Devil"
NOTE : Due to the music in my blog that can't be paused , you might want to click THIS so that you can listen to the music as well , the music is nice!The video is called Lifehouse-Everything
I think .

I cried when I saw Jesus going into that girl's life and helped her .
Jesus took all our shame , our pain , our everything that are from the Devil away from us .
Some of you might ask "I pray and pray everyday but nothing happens!"
Believe and you will receive , God WILL answer all your prayers.
God does miracles and wonders in our lives , he won the Devil .
Devil never wins , just like how the Eagles win the Snakes .
Snakes are normally represented for Satan
Eagles soar up high , winning the Snakes effortlessly , just like how we can succeed in life when we believe in God ,getting everything effortlessly . EVEN in studies , but of course , you have to study .
I hope that this video , just a short one , would change your life , believe in God ,and He shall do wonders in your life.

I cooked you at
6:21 AM,♥

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cedar Cedar Cedar!

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!Went to Cedar YESTERDAY , sorry for not blogging har.The Uniform is so super nice!I'll post some for you to see later.School's Mission:Nurturing Leaders of Character
That school is so cool! Its quite big although it is a holding site , the actual one is much much bigger . Moving back to the actual one which is near Potong pasir , my house, next year.I'll cycle to school maybe ? Haha , no way man , I''ll look so dam stupid .
Anyways , to those who get into a school that isnt your choice , it's okay , it's alright , no one is judging you or anything on which school you go to . I really hope you all like your school , most importantly , I really hope you all won't turn bad there , especially my goodf riends from OutLaws.Talking about OutLaws, anyone from OutLaws wants to go back to KHS after the first week of school ? I'm planning to if most of you are going . Alright , back to the topic .
Not alot of KongHwa pupils went to that school , but I saw ShiTing there.I had some mental trainings for team sports there, it was quite fun , made friends too , most of them from payar lebar o.o
Anw , today we had a christmas bash in our Church . DARE,ARROW and GenRev combine service. Was fun ! The theme is toys , I saw a Nintendo Wii Controller which i totally LOLed about it . UNO cards, teenage mutant ninja turtles , Transformer , Lao Fu Zi , Dath Vader( Don't know how to spell) and loads more. I just wore a spongebob T-shirt , cos I didn't know what to dress up as .
Okaye , will be posting pictures now , oh ant btw , I can't watermark my pictures now cos my new com does not have adobe photoshop . Sad ! Does anyone knows how to generate the code / password or something that is needed to download adobe photoshop ? Pirated ;xTeeHee , my family is average okaye! I aren't those richy richy ones.

Sesame street
Not taken clearly , sorry, cos my seat is facing a pillar , moreover, I'm sitting quite far from the stage

LOREAL perfume

LOREAL perfume , I find the design nice .

Sister & my doggie , Charcoal!

I cooked you at
9:46 AM,♥

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hey guys! just came back from Connect o8 and i learnt alot alot of stuffs , I would share them with you later.
Actually I came home quite long ago , but due to my new computer's problem , it turned out to be so late.It keeps restarting by itself . Have to get new one ;P jk .

"For you formed my inwards parts(seed of passion,emotions,desires
calling);you knitted me together in my mother's womb.""

"Use the internet , don't lt the internet use you. Internet is a good servant But not a good Master."

"Favour provides,Wisdom protects"

"Boredom is hunger"

"Information can bring you to excitement but also can lead you to mental or physical death."

"When you have revelation,it will lead to life."

"It is written:Man does not live on bread alone,but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

"Do not put the lord your God to the test."

Ok thats all for the phrases I got from preaching . I've told T.Eunice about something called DEJAVU. Its not the song by Beyonce.DEJAVU is like .. maybe somehow .. in your normal life ,something .. just one thing that happen , a fine day . Not something serious or something , maybe eating ? Lets have an example . Like.. maybe one day , I went to a restaurant, and when I was taking come elaire , I think that this enviroment , right now , this food , these people,everything , seems to be VERY VERY FAMILIAR. I thought it was something that I have dreamt of . I wanted to tell someone about it , but I'm just afraid of people not believing me . So one day , in the IDU camp , I told my bestfriend in church , Emily ,about it . Guess what ? She had experienced the same thing before! We decided to ask and tell T.Eunice about it .

Before I got the answer from T.Eunice after discussing with T.Ronnie and T.Vincent,I asked my sister . She told me if I have DEJAVUs , means I am in the right track of life.That was what she heard from the City Harvest Church pastor.I told T.Eunice my answer , she said she agreed BUT . about .. "in the right track of life"she didn't really agree with it .

She discussed with T.Vincent and T.Ronnie . And here is what I got from them.

"Dejavus is when you experience something you've dream before've been to this place before.Many dejavus don't mean anything.Dejavus doesn't mean you are on the right track of life( I believe I am because I have God,AMEN!)

Dejavus don't determine your succes in life.It's trusting in the promises of God


By your strips,I'm healed.Runafter God's promises,not dejavus.

More importantly,believe that you are well taken care of by your Abba father and trust that he will work mightily in your life.Dreams are POWERFUL TOOLS( Yes , they are .) , but it is also important to know which ones are from God."

Thanks T.Eunice for your efforts , was just curious to know what DEJAVUS really are. Though'we're still not VERY VERY sure what they are , I'll just continue to prosper and enjoy the love of God.

I think DEJAVUs are really really interesting .I mean thats what I think , maybe you guys don't think the same way as I do .I believe DEJAVUS are different from Dreams which are much much more powerful.

Dreams are vision by God of your future. But nightmares aren't (errmm duh ?)

Alright peeps , I'll look for something more rare,uncommen and interesting to blog about for the next post :)

I cooked you at
5:10 AM,♥

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Finally! My new desktop has been delivered!
But .. this com abit sot sot. Will auto shut down .
Ahaha , but settled by my sister.
Feel so refreshed ..
Anw . going to connect08 with ELA tmr . So excited!
Okok , i dun think i have anything to write about .
Sorry , bye!

I cooked you at
8:58 AM,♥

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Wheeeeee! Went to church today , its fun.
Meeting T.Eunice infront of THE ROCK.
Thnks her for giving me candy floss too ;P
Before meeting her , I went to have lunch with my mum.

T.Eunice and I went in to look for Emily and Doreen .
"Trust the Lord for happiness
and not the people around you.
What they
say isnt true even though they are praises."

"Marriage is God's
lesson to make people forgive
Divorce is escaping from the lesson of

I cooked you at
7:11 AM,♥

Friday, December 12, 2008

I DARE U ! ( photos)

Alright ! Posting these photos without putting labels cos I'm quite impatient to share the joy with everybody.Ok photos !
Sharyn . "NoNo, no taking photos!"

Me without glasses .

T.eunice strangling me while i'm digging my nose.
( I wasn't even digging ok!)
Emily and her pillow
(Wanted to bring my blankey , i thought no one would bring their soft toys etc. so i didn't bring ,sad.)
Jovial and Sharyn! :D

Morning :D
Everyone was brushing their teeths , getting ready for Day 2
Doreen , she didn't know I was taking photo of her . Smexayee! :D

The Lesbians!
Ahahah jk , we're bestfriends in church.

The pool.
Extra guy walking ..
Sharyn & Jovial were fighting that yellow stuff that Jovial was biting on.

Drags drags drags-

Eating dinner I guess.

Ruth and Doreen

Emily and Doreen

Heavy Doreen & Emily.

T.Jerald and T.Eunice
Fighting among each other ?
Lol no la , jk.
Emily's Nike bottle
The teachers gave us a glowstick.
I ate it :D

Ghostly me .
We see no evil
We hear no evil
we speak evil!
Ahahaha joking.

My rival!
Threw waterbomb on me!
Looks like a guy from starwars
Starwars fight.
Camp fire!
Dominic rofl.1..2..3.. JUMP!
Aiyohh , Emily and Sharyn haven't jump yet !

Much better :D
Blurr though .
Sorry la! My phone lousy ma

Whose butt biggest har?
(our babysitter,suppose to babysit us.
In the end,she said go out for awhile.
We found her at T.Thomas' room , outside doing praise and worship)
Zachary playing "How great is our God"

Pokey! Untidy or Tidy?
Me! :D

I cooked you at
1:23 AM,♥